Welcome Back!

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

Hi y’all. Back around 2011 I had a blog (here on thelightaesthetic.com). It was mostly crochet patterns and a small portfolio of small games I worked on. Unfortunately around 2014 I could no longer afford to keep hosting the site, and it eventually lapsed and all the content got taken down. Jump cut 6 years, and now I’m ready to rebuild!

It started with a desire to make some new fractal art, and a desire to find a better way to display it than DeviantArt. So I repurchased the domain and bought some hosting, then learned a bunch of Javascript, PHP and CSS to create a new gallery site.

Following the success of that, I learned Node.js and Heroku to revive my old Twitterbots! The page dynamically loads the latest 3 tweets of each bot for your amusement. Slowly I will be reviving some more of them, and maybe making some new ones.

I’ll also be (attemping to) recreate my old crochet/knitting patterns so I can put them back on Ravelry.

Let’s consider this my “What skills did you pick up during quarantine?” thing.